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Genealogy focuses on learning about your personal family history.

Genealogy is all about learning about your personal family history. Studying and researching one's genealogy is an excellent way to gain insight into where your family came from. One's research can provide valuable medical, historical, and family information.

Usually, the first step into researching one's family history is to begin with a family tree. When creating a family tree, information on each person's life is included. When keeping a genealogy of a family, it is customary to include photos, dates, awards, certificates, etc. Interviewing older family members is also an excellent resource of information.

The purpose of compiling a genealogy is to retrace as much of one's family history as possible. Often putting together all of the information gathered in one's research is much like assembling a puzzle. Finding where each piece fits can bring such joy to those seeking the story of their past. The search into the past can even lead to amazing discoveries and to finding family that had long been forgotten about.

Flags: Very Long (1+ days), Solo, With a Friend, With a Group, Teens, Adults, Seniors, Indoors, Outdoors, At Home, Morning, Day, Night, Sunny, Snowy, Rainy
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