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Beach Trip

A fun trip to the beach!

Going to the beach is a great way to relax. The combination of the warm rays of the sun, the sound of the waves, the feel of the sand, the sound of the seagulls, and the smell of the water can have a very calming effect on even the most stressed visitor. There is simply nothing like spending the day at the beach.

There are a multitude of things to do at the beach. Anyone can find something to enjoy and have a great time. The water is a great place to swim and to enjoy water sports of many types such as beach volleyball, swimming, surfing, and so many more. The beach offers shells, driftwood, rocks, and other sea treasures to pick-up and take home as momentos of a great day. Others prefer to simply relax on a towel or read a book.

Bring a picnic, a blanket, towels, sunscreen, and a water-proof camera and have a wonderful day enjoying the sand and water.

Flags: Very Short (0-60 mins), Short (1-3 hours), Medium (3-6 hours), Long (6-24 hours), Solo, With a Friend, With a Group, Children, Teens, Adults, Seniors, Outdoors, Morning, Day, Night, Sunny
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