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Personal Diary Writing

A great way to revisit oneself several years later is to write personal diaries. A diary can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be. If you are a mathematician or a scientist, your diary will probably resemble a time table! If you are a poet or a romantic at heart, you will pour your feelings into a diary and soon it will become a treasure to cherish, something you could take out years from now, and reacquaint yourself with the person you once were.

You can also use the diary as a tool to help you with your personal battles. For example, if you are in the middle of preparing for your exams, your diary could help schedule your studies. If you are in the process of losing weight and getting fit, your diary could double up into a calorie counter and fitness journal. If you are trying to quit smoking, you could write down how many cigarettes you smoked at the end of the day, to keep you motivated and going...

Whatever your reasons, a personal diary can give you the private and alone space everyone always needs in life.

And oh, did I mention the lock you need in case you are surrounded by suspicious siblings or spouses? :)

Flags: Very Short (0-60 mins), Solo, Teens, Adults, Seniors, Indoors, At Home, Morning, Day, Night, Sunny, Snowy, Rainy
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